• Dr. Douglas Graham | 80 10 10 Diet | Raw Foods | Raw Vegan

    by  • March 8, 2012 • Health

    Dr. Douglas Graham 80 10 10 Diet

    Dr. Douglas Graham is a doctor of chiropractor who advocates a diet
    (‘diet’ meaning quantity and type of food rather than ‘diet’ as in
    weight loss) of mostly raw fruit, with much smaller amounts of protein
    and fat, hence 80% carbohydrates from fruit, 10% protein and 10% fat.

    I have never seen dramatic and consistent evidence from such a wide
    range of people of the long term benefits of eating in this way.
    I myself began eating more raw fruits and vegetables in July 2011 and
    straight away noticed a change in how I felt.

    Dr Douglas Graham below talks about the importance of eating
    carbohydrates from fruit.  It is what our bodies and brains need
    to operate on.

    When we are hungry we seem to lose any ability to make wise
    decisions.  It is probably a survival mechanism to ensure we eat
    anything that we can find in order to get the calories we need to
    continue operating biologically.

    Many people are amazed at how they feel when they transition to more
    raw food. You do not have to become a raw food eater the next day after
    you decide to start.  It is not about starting.  Do not start
    to become a raw food eater, just eat more fruit and veges raw in
    amongst your current eating habits.  Your body and mind will lead
    you to eating more and more fruit over time until one day you know that
    you would rather eat this way than any other way.

    I was not sick prior to this but as part of my evolvement over the last
    few years I have naturally moved away from heavier foods that require
    processing, to eating foods that make me feel good.

    One word of warning so that you don’t make the mistake I did, is that
    you have to eat much, much more fruit than you would ever guess, and
    more fruit than you feel like you want to eat.  This is because
    the fruit has less calories so in order to reach 2,000 or 3,000
    calories you need to eat a large quantity of fruit.

    Vegetables do not provide much in the way of calories.  The secret
    I have found so far is to NEVER get hungry.  In fact no matter
    what your eating habits are you need to break past the paradox which
    our brains tell us the longer we go without food the better we are

    A whole raft of emotional, physical and mental health issues would be
    significantly lessened if a person ate whole, raw fruit and vegetables
    so frequently that they never got hungry.

    If you do not put enough into the body at regular
    intervals – I find I aim for about 200 calories per hour when awake
    which is 2 ripe bananas, or 3 oranges or 2/3 a pineapple approximately
    – then your brain will start overriding the part of you that has will
    power and discipline and you will find yourself grabing something from
    the supermarket.

    And I bet you won’t end up in the deli buying some carrot salad or a
    piece of chicken, it will be high in carbohydrates like a chocolate
    bar, potato chips, biscuits.  You can be in control by never
    getting hungry.

    People report getting back to this way of eating allows spiritual
    development that would otherwise be unobtainable.  Dr Douglas
    Graham has a book The 80 10 10 Diet.
    It is a great starting point
    for discovering how to get back to that amazing state we often only
    experience as a child.
