• List of Personality Traits, Acceptance or Denial of Traits

    by  • March 13, 2012 • Self-Help, Shadow Work • 0 Comments

    Of Personality Traits

    To Help You

    Below is a list of personality traits and an explanation of why it is important to accept all the possible traits of a human being.

    good or evil girl over a white background with an angel on one side and a devil on the other

    One exercise that I have found extremely personally empowering is accepting and embracing yourself and your interpretation of yourself in every moment.

    Denial of what you are actually experiencing creates suffering and contributes to low self-esteem.

    Further below I will tell you how I discovered what I was denying and a simple and quick exercise to reach acceptance.

    With each acceptance, old nagging worries and bits of suffering drops away and you are left me more peaceful and with higher self-esteem.

    That isn’t saying there isn’t any pain, hurt or discomfort to be experienced in your life. These things are inevitable and a fact of life but suffering is something different to pain.  The distinction we are making is the extra suffering that you experience when your mind tells you ‘this shouldn’t be happening’ or ‘I shouldn’t be like this’.

    In 2006 Debbie Ford’s book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers caught my eye on the library shelf.  I read it and didn’t do much with it. Twelve months later I got it out again and this time it meant so much more.  Of course reading is one thing and won’t bring change you have to change something about your experience in order to get change.  There has to a shift in attitude or the way you think about things.

    Reading just adds more mind stuff to your long list of things you know.  When it comes to personal growth and overcoming low self-esteem there has to be a shift from within.

    It’s into this inner-world you must delve and shine a spotlight.  Shining this light of awareness into the places that haven’t been seen= for a long time.


    All human beings have displayed every trait, or they do display them regularly or could display them given they found themselves in a certain predicament.  Blame it on the human condition.

    If you can stop judging anything you do or are as bad and move to acceptance, you are moving in an empowering direction.

    To transform you need to have a shift in attitude from disliking some things in yourself and liking others, to accepting ALL things.


    So an extreme one to start with is to accept that you are a murderer.  For starters see how quick and strong the denial from your own mind is.  Secondly, consider a situation where you are put in a position where it is either you kill them or they kill you, or they kill your child. Can you accept that you are a murderer now after considering that? Of course it doesn’t make you a murderer in the outside world but still you have to accept that you have that potential trait within your experience and add that to your list of personality traits.

    After coming to this realization I somewhat obsessively spent one month trawling through books writing down a list of personality traits.  I wrote down every adjective describing a human being and I worked to own, accept and embrace that each one has been or could be in my experience.

    As you will come to realize the best teacher is your experience.  Continue to watch your thoughts and feelings from a place of non-judgmental awareness.  Whenever you have a contracted, closed, irritated or frustrated feeling with another or yourself, contemplate what the trait is. What is the word you would use to describe that person you are reacting to?

    Add that to your list of personality traits.

    From there I would use a hash of a couple of different techniques, which boiled down to

    1. Get into a light relaxed state

    2. Imagine myself walking into a lift

    3. Turn and face the doors and see a whole lot of buttons

    4. See the button that is clearly labeled the trait

    5. See and feel myself reach out and touch the button

    6. See the doors close and feel the lift go down until the doors open
    automatically at a memory of when I displayed the trait

    7. Accept the fact of that trait showing up in my experience

    8. if I still felt resistance or through the use of a pendulum and ideomotor questioning I found residual denial of that trait I would redo the exercise.

    If still no acceptance – which was very rare – I would use EFT (Emotional freedom Technique) for one or two rounds.

    I collated a list of personality traits that totaled about 1,000; here are some you might want to try.










    When you collate a list of personality traits you do the exercise, accept it within, experience more peace and less judgment.


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