• Mind, Mindfulness

    by  • March 13, 2012 • Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Spirituality • 0 Comments

    – You Use It

    Or It Will Use You

    Mind is one of those things we assume we know what we are talking about, but we never stop to admit to ourselves we have no idea what it is.

    What is it? Where is it? Why should you care?

    Well, chances are it is not being used by you but rather has built up a series of reactions and programs to life. Quite ironic because it has been instrumental in creating your life and then you have reactions to it as if life was happening to you from the outside randomly.

    It is possible with watching and contemplating to see how your life has drawn to you opportunities to experience what you have imagined for yourself.

    Probably the difficult part is seeing and acknowledging what you have imagined for yourself over and over again.

    Maybe you have wanted to be a hero, wanted to be feared, not wanted anyone to hurt you, believed money is evil etc. If these imaginings and pretenses have been there without you being aware they are there, then we can say they have been unconscious.


    Just like kids in a class; if you watch them and give tasks and keep them disciplined they will achieve and create. So it is with mind. Without watching and choosing what you wish to create, your mind will run afraid of the big bad world out there.

    Now, this can either stay as an unconscious reaction or you can decide to watch your mind create your world and learn to choose ways that serve you better; think about things differently, take a different perspective, take no perspective even, just observe.

    For example someone could raise his or her voice at you and you react by feeling small and worthless. Or you could consciously choose to take the perspective that this person has some emotional stuff that is going on inside and you just happen to be the person in front of them now.

    You don’t know what childhood they had, you don’t know what fears or phobias this person is carrying around. You don’t know just how little they feel able to cope with the world and their feelings. So given all of that plus a bunch more stuff that could be going on why should you make their raised voice mean anything about you?

    They raise their voice because they think themselves and the world are a certain way.


    Man Contemplation

    Of course if you do feel a reaction then that is great information to then take yourself away somewhere quietly, or that night, contemplate exactly what is it you believe about yourself and the world that caused you to react in such a way.

    That reaction is your personality self, your idea of who you are keeping itself alive. If you think of yourself as gentle and never causing anyone any harm then a person with an angry voice in front of you is going to cause you to react in some way.

    You might find yourself compelled to apologize just to keep the peace or find you have a lump stuck in your throat and stomach for a couple of days because ‘upsetting’ this person has that much contradicted your self-image.

    Whatever it is a careful observation will see that this experience is congruent with your internal beliefs and focus. To change you need to simply see this is the case and not allow these thoughts to continue.

    Be careful what you say to yourself and others also. How do you act? Do you act as if people are scary? Continue to observe your world and know that mind will either be mostly

    • uncontrolled and running without your conscious
    • controlled and chosen by you how to behave and what to
      create in your experience
    • controlled by some other power, e.g. media, society,
      collective consciousness, a cult leader, someone you put on a pedestal


    A change in your perspective, a change in your view of who you are and what is ‘real’ out there will open up options for you. You will be free to create a life you wish, and to think with such clarity and focus that whatever you desire consciously will be more likely to be given to you.

    It is a step-by-step process to learn how you operate, what you are and then display mastery of your experience. Day by day decide what you choose, focus and know it is real for you, have faith, stop any thoughts which contradict your desires (including wanting because wanting will give you more wanting, trying will give you more trying) and see how your mind creates situations for you to then experience with your body, that which you held to be true.


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