• Self-Esteem, Overcoming, Signs Of Low, Quotes, Poems

    by  • March 15, 2012 • Self-Esteem, Self-Help • 0 Comments

    How To Build Your Self-Esteem Permanently

    If you are searching the web for self-esteem you are probably coming across activities and advice like…

    • focus on your achievements
    • say your affirmations
    • be nice to yourself
    • fake it until you make it

    These people mean well, but I doubt the great spiritual teachers of the past or influential psychologists of our time would answer a student’s question about self-esteem by instructing them to focus on aspects that reinforce your current experience of yourself.

    I want to educate you on a simple way to work on your life that is hugely rewarding, meaningful, simple and transformational.

    First I want to talk a bit more about how you got in this predicament in the first place.


    There is a paradox that to think you have to do something to change yourself means you are missing something; are not quite complete as the unique, one-of-a-kind human being that you are.

    These things that others suggest you do to feel better about yourself may cause a temporary change in your feelings; you might feel more positive, more motivated or less critical of yourself for a few minutes or a couple of hours or days depending on what is going on in your life, but has your self-esteem really changed by thinking more positively or doing some activity?  Has your experience of yourself changed in who or what you think you are?

    Probably not!

    As soon as YOU are back in relationship with your experience of life and another person, then YOU are going to be the same that you have always been.

    The same old defects and stuff you wished weren’t there will still be there.

    The same negative talk and harsh judgment of yourself. The same denials of certain traits and denials of natural and normal human characteristics.

    There needs to be a change in the way you approach the world and yourself. There needs to be a change in your awareness of what is really going on.

    Changing the idea of who you are is really just like rearranging the food on your plate and thinking you have something different.

    Trying to block out all the bad traits you have is not going to work because you have those traits.

    Ignoring them doesn’t make them not exist.

    Anything you don’t freely admit to will hurt you. It will make you suffer until you can become aware of yourself as having that trait, being brutally honest and accepting that trait in your experience of life.

    Understand that all human beings at some point in their lives will display a trait or could potentially display a trait. This is crucial to how you like yourself.

    Good and Bad

    In our little idea of who we are and the self-image we have, we cut the world into two.

    We then agree to accept that we have the good half and we deny and spend our lives desperately trying to avoid anyone, including ourselves, noticing that we actually do have the ‘bad’ traits as well. Of course you are likely not aware that your self-image (ego) does this denial, but somewhere in your past, most likely to ensure being looked after and loved, you subconsciously learned that there were certain traits that were not acceptable.

    Note: I notice the common way of teaching children recently is to say in a wise, forceful voice ‘that is not acceptable’ as the child does something child-like

    When something is not acceptable you shove that trait or the potential for that trait to the deep, dark recesses of your experience, hopefully never to be seen again.

    The problem arises because you are whole and complete and everyone in the world will at some point experience being rude, lazy, selfish, mean, greedy… I will talk more about why you experience everything elsewhere, but for now just take it has truth that you are everything.

    When you shoved these traits down the back they did not disappear. How could they, there is no real you with which to decide not to be something?

    Your self-image is an idea of who you are and who you think you should be. It does a great job at convincing you and others that are none-the-wiser that you are a certain way absolutely. Maybe you like to come across a certain way – kind, nice, generous for example – or tough and strong maybe, but that is not an absolute reality, it is not a Truth of the way things really are in existence.

    They Are Still There

    These traits you decided you never wanted to be there never went away.

    As you go about your life they will always be there and they will always show up in your interpretation of how you are sooner or later. So what do you think that does to your thoughts of yourself when these ‘bad’ unacceptable traits keep coming up in your awareness?

    The solution is shadow work.

    Shadow work begins with an understanding of the reality that you are not really, really, really a certain, fixed, absolute way. You are whole, alive, conscious and will experience every interpretation on the scale from bad to good at some stage.

    There are times you will be uglier than some but more beautiful than others. There will be times when you will seem rude and other times you will seem polite.

    Other times you will be intelligent compared to someone else yet another time someone smarter will be in your awareness and interpretation.

    Maybe you just are stupid compared to the majority of the population. So what? If that is how it is in your experience, so be it.

    I really am talking about your brutal honesty and acceptance in your own awareness of these traits.

    You could have shoved ‘rude’ to the back because you were always told to be good and polite.

    This rudeness, until it is accepted as being an OK part of you, will continue to cause problems for you whenever it shows up. It will show up in some way in YOUR universe. It will show up in some part of your experience of life and you will feel terrible when it does. The trait won’t stop showing up in your life as a problem until it is allowed to be there without resistance.

    It Is OK To Be Rude

    It is OK to be rude. In certain circumstances it is appropriate to behave in a way that someone else might judge you as rude. Maybe to get what you want or to stand up for yourself you will come across as rude.

    It is only an interpretation.

    My self-esteem went through the roof when I had this realisation and worked to go through over 1,000 traits and accept that I had displayed them or could display them all.

    No exceptions. Brutal honesty and making it perfectly OK that as a human being I am imperfect and just trying to get along. I do the best with my level of awareness in each moment. In relation to others (compared to others) who have different values and desires, you will behave, say or do something that could be called ‘bad’.

    Accept that.

    I even have a little giggle to myself when I interpret myself as ‘bad’ and remind myself that I am just doing my best and certainly don’t need extra judgment. When you do this, that judge will quieten down in your head and let you simply be who you are.

    Apart from this your effectiveness and ability to interact with the world and others will sky rocket also. You will no longer have little parts of your psyche trying to show up and sabotaging you. These parts of your psyche will simply rest and leave you to create your world.

    As you own and accept everything about yourself you will love yourself so much that it hurts sometimes! And how can you have low self-esteem when you love yourself?


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