• Wayne Dyer Quotes, Dr Wayne Dyer, Spiritual, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence

    by  • March 18, 2012 • Inspirational, Spirituality • 0 Comments

    Wise Wayne Dyer Quotes

    Discover spiritual encouragement and inspiration from Dr Wayne Dyer quotes below.

    These quotes have been selected from a couple of Wayne Dyer books, namely 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace and Getting in the Gap.

    The Wayne Dyer quotes I have selected are shown here because they have most relevance to the theme of this website and are to provide spiritual inspiration and spiritual encouragement.

    When you feel peaceful and successful, you want to extend and export that peace and love.

    Your attachments are the source of all your problems. The need to be right, to possess someone or something, to win at all costs, to be viewed by others as superior – these are all attachments.

    To release attachments, you have to make a shift in how you view yourself. As a spiritual being, you can observe your body and be a compassionate witness to your existence.

    If you can love someone enough to allow them to be exactly what they choose to be – without any expectations or attachments from you – you’ll know true peace in your lifetime.

    True love means you love a person for what they are, not for what you think they should be. This is an open mind – and an absence of attachment.

    As tough as it is to acknowledge, you had to go through what you went through in order to get to where yo are today, and the evidence is that you did.

    Your life is like a play with several acts. Some of the characters have short roles to play, others much larger. Some are villains and others are good guys. But all of them are necessary, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the play. Embrace them all, and move on to the next act.


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