• The Importance of Being Honest, Spiritual Growth, Telling The Truth

    by  • March 18, 2012 • Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Spirituality • 0 Comments

    The Importance Of Being Honest

    The importance of being honest cannot be over-stated. Being grateful is a very powerful spiritual growth attitude but wise people also know being honest is extremely powerful.

    It is extraordinary how much we lie. Being honest and displaying honesty is something that we somehow hold as scary.  We lie to others and to ourselves.

    We don’t always set out and plan this but if you investigated and watched your-self you will see you hardly ever tell it like it is for you.

    Why are you afraid to let others know what is there for you? Why is it scary to admit, even to yourself, the truth of your experience?

    Here is a short video of Peter Ralston talking about the importance of being honest.

    We hold it that some things are acceptable and some are not. We split the world into two sections and are OK about revealing an idea, emotion, belief or desire that we are fairly confident will be agreed with or acceptable.

    However, when it comes to being honest about something that is in our experience that may bring shame or isolation, we quickly make that not OK.

    All this to uphold the persona and image you mistakenly believe you are and most importantly keep that image loved or try to ensure you are loved.

    You learned to withhold honesty and it carries on today. The importance of being honest is not obvious.  What do you think that does to your sense of self and being OK knowing deep down that you have to lie?

    Enlightenment Intensive

    Charles Berner created the Enlightenment Intensive, which has been successful and popular since the 1960’s amongst people seeking a direct experience of their true nature.

    His technique is a retreat, typically three days where the majority of waking hours are sat opposite another person, communicating to them the honest truth of what is there for you now in this moment.

    It is a rare chance to communicate what is there for you, now, in this moment, arising in your awareness. This is powerful.

    It is powerful because for one it is a safe and validating experience.  The partner is not to give feedback, no nods or utterances or facial gestures, just plain listening and being present for the one speaking.

    John Powell in his book Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am? says ‘Honesty about our emotions, understanding of the roles we adopt to defend the fragile ego, recognition of the games we play with each
    other to avoid love – these are the first steps towards a new and richer life.’

    The importance of being honest is because through honesty you become more integrated and accepting of yourself. Then, depending on your level of commitment and desire to know the truth, through contemplation
    and meditation it can lead you to some profound realizations about the nature of being human.

    John Powell again ‘I am afraid to tell you who I am because, if I do, you may not like me.’

    Be honest primarily with yourself.

    A powerful first step is to resolve to understand yourself and the roles, games and manipulations you employ to keep others liking you.

    Even when you do these manipulations, do them with full impartial awareness. Watch yourself do them and just notice. Then at least you are realizing the importance of being honest with your-self.

    Don’t put extra guilt and shame on top, just watch like a scientist observing the way your world works.

    Bring ever-increasing awareness and honesty to your life and practice being honest.

    It all starts with honesty, perhaps even before this is admitting responsibility for everything in your experience of life.

    However, being honest and telling the truth as much as possible, no matter the discomfort or how it makes you temporarily feel, will start transforming your life rapidly. Then whenever you are not honest you will remember the importance of being honest.


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